April 24, 2020


Our services are customized. Let us know what you are looking for, or if you don’t know it yet, just contact us to have a chat and we can guide you in what best suits your family needs.

Among others, we offer the following services:

Learn Spanish by doing what you most enjoy! With native Spanish speakers, through a variety of online classes: painting, singing, piano and music, Pilates, stretching, and much more. Available for children and adults. Customize your family pack!

Online language learning for children and adults: ask for your desired language.

Stretching and Pilates online classes for kids and adults: individual and family sessions.

Individual and family coaching sessions (online/phone). Know yourself better, understand your situation, find the tools that will allow you to reach your greatest potential. Sessions in English and Spanish available.

  • Manage your work/life balance
  • Improve your personal, family and professional relationships
  • Increase your self-confidence
  • Maximize your potential
  • Define your strengths and weaknesses
  • Rediscover your skills, resourcefulness and potential
  • Work through the things that have kept you stuck, playing small. It is time to live your fullest potential.
  • Optimize your work performance
  • Improve your business management strategies
  • And best of all… Anyone can benefit from coaching!

Relocation: we help you in the logistics either way from/to Spain (ask for other locations)

Provisional accommodation and housing: short and long term

Schooling: what kind of school will best cover your children’s needs?

Housekeeping and domestic services: needing help at home? From house chores to nanny services.

Insurances: medical, life, car, house, and more.-

Documentation: visa, N.I.E., translations (sworn/general), legal advice, and more.


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